So many are coming down with the flu over the past month that the media are putting out only the scary stories causing widespread panic! I see so many people every day that think they have the flu and they only have a cold commonly called "Upper respiratory infection" or "URI" - which may feel bad but does not require any medical intervention in most cases. What are the symptoms of a cold or the flu you ask? Well let me show you:
COLD: Usually starts with a slight scratchy or sore throat, followed by a runny nose and nasal congestion, then by day 4 or 5 a cough. The sore throat is usually better after a few days when you develop the other symptoms. At first the drainage out of your runny nose is clear and it may start to thicken up and change colors. This is common and does not necessarily mean you have a bacterial infection or need any antibiotics. Drinking more water than normal, taking something to relieve any aches or thick congestion (fever reducer and/or expectorant such as guaifenesin) and lots of rest. Some studies have shown chicken soup helps - shoot, it isn't going to hurt anything (unless you are allergic) so go ahead and have some.
FLU: Starts rather suddenly - you are fine all morning then after lunch you feel very achy, develop a headache or just feel really bad with a headache. Then within a few hours you may have a fever, usually around 100.4, chills, achy and a headache. Sometimes people develop a stuffy nose, sore throat and head congestion with a cough. Most importantly is how suddenly it happens.
Those that have always thought their common cold was the FLU realize it wasn't so when they do finally get the flu. It really makes you feel pretty darned bad and makes you want to sleep it off for a few days. Not a bad idea.
Staying out of the public is number one for those that do have a confirmed case of the flu or even think they have the flu. No need to rush to your medical provider or an urgent care to see if you have the flu, unless you have other health conditions that make you susceptible to complications such as pneumonia. Those people have a strong history of asthma, lung disease, heart problems, cancer etc.
Here is a great site from the Web MD that talks about the 10 things NOT TO DO when you have the flu. - Another great site for anyone is "FluFacts" on this site you can type in your Zip code and track the flu in your area. It also has some very good facts about the flu and colds and other topics I think are very handy to have at your fingertips!
With the number of people who have already had the H1N1 flu and the number expected to come down with it this season there is not enough Tamiflu to give to everyone. Most providers have started holding back on prescribing it to only those with a medical condition, such as asthma, lung disease, heart disease etc and suggesting the normally healthy individuals try over the counter products for their symptoms.
My favorite OTC product for the flu is Oscillococcinum - it is a homeopathic product that works great for the flu symptoms. It works the best when started early in the illness and taken three times a day as directed. It can be given to anyone down to age 2 and it has no side effects and will not interact with any other medications. I love that part of it! Many of my patients have taken it this year and I have heard back from them that it worked wonderfully and they have recommended it to their family and friends. My son took it this year as he didn't really need any Tamiflu - within one day he felt almost normal. He only had a cough and stuffy nose and slight fever, but acted like he was back to normal with no complaints of body aches, chills, or sore throat - AT ALL. We have a lot stockpiled up in case any of us come down with the flu now or in the winter - I don't want to waste any time. Plus if you have a stuffy nose you can pull out your Neti Pot and rinse out your nose using the saline that comes with it or make your own. This will open up your stuffy nose and clean out all that yucky green or yellow mucus so you can breath a little easier.
Here is the site for the product if you want to learn more about it -
I hope this blog has something of use for those that read it - with one more note - Wash your hands frequently, use hand gel and cover your cough.
Stay well and be healthy!
I created this blog to talk about health issues and to try offer information and advice to my readers about health and wellness issues. I will also share any reviews of products or apps I find helpful. *Disclaimer - this information is not intended to diagnose or treat any symptoms, it is only for advise and discussion. If you are having any medical problems please contact your health provider.