Natural or herbal supplements - are they safe? When should I take them or not take them? Who regulates them?
All great questions we should always ask before we start popping something in our mouths hoping it will do what the label says it does. How many of you take some sort of vitamin, supplement, herbal medicine or even something given to you by a naturalist, homeopath, accupuncturist or chiropractor? Over the years I have seen more and more people going this route and personally I believe more in herbals from a Chinese herbalist/eastern medicine pharmacy than any of the OTC herbal compounds.
I always read as much as I can about anything I plan to put in my body (or on it). Read all the medical articles you can get your hands on, read the research studies and talk to your healthcare professional before you put any "natural" products in your body. It is amazing how complicated the body is and when someone takes a pill for high blood pressure or high cholesterol and then hears from a friend they should be taking red rice yeast too so they try it. Well, this can be a very dangerous combination leading to liver damage! One wouldn't think a harmless over the counter supplement could cause so much damage, but it can.
If you are not sure if something you read about is safe or good for you please do not rely on ads, friends or the friendly supplement sales person. Always rely on your medical provider - NP, MD, DO, PA etc. They can usually help you figure out how safe or unsafe it will be with your current medications and health condition(s).
As always, be healthy, be safe, and be smart!